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Do., 13. Juni



Kleiner Freitag mit Glitterboi

DJ Glitterboi ist mit einer starken Faszination für das Außergewöhnliche immer auf der Suche nach neuen Klängen. Musik wird für ihn zu Magie, die es schafft, Menschen in Euphorie, Melancholie oder Trance zu versetzen.

Time & Location

13. Juni 2024, 18:00 – 22:00

Darmstadt, Olbrichweg 19, 64287 Darmstadt, Deutschland

About the Event

DJ Glitterboi has been playing music since 2015. With a stark fascination for the extra-

ordinary, the unknown, he is always on search for new sounds, always reinventing himself through sound. As music is understood for him as a medium to transmit a certain state, playing becomes a kind of magic: to guide people into euphoria, melancholy or trance.

Journeying through the world as a nomad and being involved in several events and

festivals, his musical journey is just as versatile. Ranging from the light and playful organic

spheres, into dark and psychedelic dream-like realms — but always sparkling. .

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